The marvels of God’s creation will never cease to amaze. Each year winter gradually transitions to spring, and a landscape that was barren and seemingly desolate begins to rejuvenate and soon teem with life. Gardens, flowerbeds, and fruit trees are planted with confidence that the seed that died is soon going to produce life again in all its vibrancy and beauty. Why? Because God decreed that plants and fruits would yield seed according to its own kind (Genesis 1:11-12), just as the animals would bring new life according to their own kind (Genesis 1:24).
It is not any wonder that Nicodemus is a bit confused when Jesus tells him, “Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3-4). To Nicodemus’ ears it has to have sounded as though Jesus is telling him something that is not only impossible, but defies the natural order that God has set in place since the very beginning. The explanation that Jesus gives Nicodemus shows him that the impossible is indeed possible and that absolutely no law of God at all is being violated, for the new birth of which Jesus is speaking is not going to be after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The new life that would be produced, therefore, would not “according their own kind” after the flesh, but “according to their own kind” after the Spirit.
Being born of water should be essential beyond any shadow of a doubt (Ephesians 5:26; Titus 3:5); being born of the Spirit is no less essential. Being born of water requires being “brought safely through water” as were the eight souls on the ark (1 Peter 3:20); being born of the Spirit involves “an appeal to God for a good conscience” (1 Peter 3:21). Being born of water is an act of obedience to the will of God (Colossians 2:12); being born of the Spirit is a lifetime of obedience and sanctification (1 Peter 1:22-23; Romans 1:5; 16:26; 1 Corinthians 6:11). Being born again in the Spirit is walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).
Today, I will…walk in the Spirit, living a sanctified and justified life,