TODAY’S SCRIPTURE Matthew 7:7-11
What we really needed was for God not to answer that prayer that way. What we really needed was a wake-up call. What we really needed was discipline. What we really needed was not to get that job. What we really needed was not to make that extra money. What we really needed was to end that relationship. What we really needed was to be alone. What we really needed was to suffer. What we really needed was that persecution. What we really needed was to get hurt. What we really needed was to slow down. What we really needed was to lose. What we really needed was to be humbled. What we needed was the truth. What we really needed was someone to get in our way. What we really needed was to not be left alone. What we really needed was that tough lesson on money.
Aren’t you thankful that we serve a Father who gives us not what we really want but what we really need?
Today, I will…have the guts to ask God to give me what I need instead of what I want! (This is a tough one! Will you?)