In 1 Timothy 3:8, Paul mentioned three things you need to become a more Christlike servant. First, make your speech absolutely trustworthy. Do not stretch the truth, withhold relevant information, or misrepresent facts. Gossip, slander, and deceit will hurt others, but they will ruin your reputation. The more honest and kind you are, the more helpful you can be.

Second, avoid addictive substances that cloud your judgment. The best Bible verse for discouraging recreational drinking is the Great Commandment. When you love others more than yourself, it leaves little room for intoxicating spirits. When people are under the influence of alcohol, they are far more likely to mistreat someone (Proverbs 31:4-5). Sobriety produces clarity of mind and charity of heart.

Third, be generous rather than greedy. The word greedy refers to an intense, selfish desire for money, material goods, or power. Conversely, the word generous suggests a readiness to give even more than is expected. Eager giving is a characteristic of God and a trait of His followers. Servants of Christ are not concerned with piling up worldly goods. They know life does not consist in the abundance of things you possess (Luke 12:15). On Judgment Day, God will be concerned with what you gave (Matthew 25:34-36) rather than what you received during your lifetime (Luke 16:25).

Godly servants are plain spoken, clear-headed, and big-hearted. These qualities will help you live with dignity and serve with distinction. To God be the glory!

Today, I will…be candid yet courteous in speech, pure in mind and body, and generous with my time and money.