TODAY’S SCRIPTURE Jeremiah 32:1-44
Financial advisors evaluate whether a person is a low or high-risk investor. Financial advisors need to understand a person’s time perspective for investing. Financial advisors will discuss the goals of an investor.
An investor needs to understand the volatility of financial markets and be careful to not purchase overvalued securities. An investor typically will choose how to diversify investments with guidance from a financial advisor.
What if a financial investor could guarantee the future return of your most important investments? What if you could be assured that your investment will not be volatile but retain its value without fail? What if the investment strategy is so sound that you are advised to not diversify but to “put all of your eggs in one basket”?
Jeremiah 32:1-5 narrates that Zedekiah, king of Judah, imprisons Jeremiah because he faithfully proclaimed God’s word of judgment to Judah and her king about the impending capture of Jerusalem by the king of Babylon. Judah and Zedekiah would be carried into a lengthy exiled captivity. Yet, Jeremiah 32:6-15 details how God instructs Jeremiah to buy a field in Anathoth, how the purchase is made, recorded, and witnessed, and how the deeds are preserved.
Why did Jeremiah enact this parable and make a long-term investment that seemed improbable from a human perspective? Because Jeremiah 32:16-44 describes God’s faithfulness, His ability to do the impossible, His commitment to His people, and His promise that He will restore the fortunes of His people.
You can trust God’s investment advice. Trusting God’s promises eliminates the typical risks of investing, acknowledges that your time perspective is eternal, and that you want nothing more than to live with God in Heaven. God cannot be overvalued, and He is the only investment where you can afford to place all your assets.
God is faithful, and His promises are certain. He is able to restore your spiritual fortunes. If Heaven is your goal, then invest all of who you are in God.
Today, I will…examine my spiritual investment strategy in prayer and invite God to guide me as to how I can invest all of who I am in Him. I will write down steps I need to take to be a wise spiritual investor.