TODAY’S SCRIPTURE 2 Corinthians 5:10
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil”
(2 Corinthians 5:10).
Like it or not.
We don’t like to be judged. Can you hear us through the centuries? Listen in:
- “Don’t judge me; the woman You made gave me the fruit.” ~ Adam
- “Don’t judge me; the serpent deceived me.” ~ Eve
- “Don’t judge me; I just threw the gold in and the calf walked out.” ~ Aaron
- “Don’t judge me; my dad neglected me.” ~ Sons of Eli
- “Don’t judge me; I was just saving them to give to You.” ~ Saul
- “Don’t judge me; I have a right to my own way of thinking” ~ Hophni
- “Don’t judge me; she was really attractive.” ~ David
- “Don’t judge me; we gave part of the money.” ~ Sapphira
- “Don’t judge me; everyone else was doing it.” ~ The Israelites who missed the Promised Land (Hebrews 3:17)
- “Don’t judge me; I’m only human.” ~ Peter (Matthew 26:40)
- “Don’t judge me; I was only doing what seemed logical.” ~ The people who
accepted the 10 spies’ report - “Don’t judge me; I only took a little.” ~ Achan
- “Don’t judge me; I was just following orders.” ~ The soldiers who scourged Christ.
We don’t like to be judged, but we will all be judged someday by the Judge of all the earth, and no excuse or word will stand to His judgment. It will be right and it will be just and it will be final. So next time you believe judgment to be harsh or wrong or unfair––let it serve as a reminder of that day when all judgment will be right and all will be judged.
Like it or not.
Today I will…remember that I will ultimately be judged by a supremely righteous Judge.