TODAY’S SCRIPTURE Hebrews 4:14-16
Have you ever been approached by people who are obviously timid about what to say? They want to request a favor from you but are too embarrassed to know how to ask. They shuffle their feet and stammer their words trying to say it just right. You may think we should approach God the same way. But the Hebrews writer explains, “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God… Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (4:14-16). Being justified and having a right standing before God, we don’t come to God covered in sin, crawling on our hands and knees to grovel. We can boldly and confidently draw near to God to receive mercy. What an amazing thought!
Scientists tell us there are at least one trillion galaxies we know of in the universe. In the midst of all the galaxies is a relatively small one called the Milky Way. Within this galaxy are over one billion stars. Around one of those stars is our solar system with eight planets. On one of those planets there are over seven billion people, and we are just a few of them. No wonder the psalmist says of God, “What is man that you are mindful of Him?” (Psalm 8:4).
To make matters worse, we are sinners. There is no rhyme or reason to think an Almighty God would give two cents about us, but He does. He doesn’t just save us; He tells us we can boldly come before His throne. Certainly not with a spirit of pride, but with confidence in Jesus our great high priest and the blood that was shed for us. The fact God cares about us is astounding. Knowing He forgives us is staggering. But realizing He eagerly allows us to approach Him with confidence is beyond imagination. But that is the great privilege of our justification!
Today, I will…look at the stars in the night sky and take a few minutes to remember that though I am only one person, God is mindful of me.