What one word in the church strikes fear, causes Christians to wring their hands, and invokes a dreadful feeling? The word is evangelism. It brings up images of going door to door, knocking some stranger’s door, ugh. I get it––such images make my hands sweat, though I have done it many times. Yet, the word itself is positive and full of hope. The English word evangelism comes from the Greek word euaggelion. The word literally means “gospel” or “good news.” One who practices evangelism is a “bringer of good news.” The word in its various forms appears fifty-five times in the New Testament.
You see, there is nothing negative about that word. It is all positive. Jesus told those who would be His disciples that they would be bringers of good news (Mark 16:15). I don’t know about you, but I love to hear good news. A number of years ago, I found myself at Baylor University Hospital with all the symptoms of a serious medical condition. I went in for the exam, I was sure I had the self-prescribed condition and prognosis wasn’t good. I can’t tell you how relieved I was after the examination for the doctor to come into the room and say, “I’ve got good news for you, you don’t have….” You wouldn’t believe the joy and sense of relief I felt, all because of a little good news at the right time.
The truth is, everyone has a serious spiritual condition––sin––that wrecks the soul (Romans 3:28); and, you have the good news, “He that believes and is baptized will be saved.” There is no better good news in the world, and you have been called to bring it.
Today, I will…try to think of someone I know who is in need of hearing some good news and bring it to him.