Many times parents have told their children, “You must always tell the truth. You will never get in trouble for telling the truth, but you will be in more trouble if you do not.” Telling the truth is a lesson that must be learned early in life.
One day Jesus, at the request of the ruler of the synagogue, is on His way to the man’s house because his daughter is at the point of death. The father pleads with Jesus to come with him and heal his daughter. While on His way to the man’s house, He is surrounded by a multitude of people wanting to hear Him and be healed by Him. Suddenly Jesus becomes aware of the fact that power has gone out from Him.

A woman who has been suffering from a discharge of blood for twelve years has made her way through the crowd and touched Jesus’ clothing, upon which her flow of blood instantly stops. When Jesus asks, “Who touched My garments?” the woman “came in fear and trembling and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth” (Mark 5:33). Either she has learned early in life the value of being truthful, or being in the presence of Jesus prompts her to tell the truth, holding nothing back. Her faith in Jesus’ ability to heal and her determination to act on her faith results in her healing.

Undoubtedly, if we were in the presence of Jesus and He asked a question of us, we would answer truthfully. But are we truthful with our spouses, with our employers, with our children, and with our friends? Are we truthful when filing our income taxes? Are we truthful when pulled over by an officer for speeding? Are we truthful when recording our scores during a game of golf? Are we truthful in the normal conversations of life? Telling the truth does not apply only to a conversation with Jesus; it applies to every relationship in life.

Today, I will…be truthful, even if it hurts!